Are you tired of Tik Toks, Instagram music covers, This or That questions in people’s stories, and searching for another sourdough recipe? We’ll safely assume, yes, you are. You’re probably dreaming of the day when we can return to normal and get on with the lives we had planned before COVID-19. If you’re following our coverage, you’re more than likely dreaming of a vacation.
Was your annual trip, weekend getaway, honeymoon, or anniversary ruined by the virus? You’re in a welcomed company as the travel industry ground to a halt seemingly overnight. Some politicians are calling to re-open the country immediately. Some medical experts say that’s an unwise decision until we understand the virus and how to treat, cure, and/or prevent it better.
Regardless of your political ideology, you most likely aren’t traveling much right now. But it won’t be this way forever. We all have the future to look forward to when we can take those trips we had planned, or maybe have planned in the coming months. But, what is the travel industry going to look like right when the shelter-in-place orders are lifted?
For one, things are going to be hectic, and airfare is likely going to skyrocket. People are going to rush to their laptops, phones, and Denver travel agents to try and get something on the books, meaning demand is going to go way up, and supply is going to drop. You can either book now while fares are low, but run the risk of shelter-in-place being extended, or wait it out and try to beat the rush.
The destinations are where you should focus your caution, not because any places are more likely to have lingering cases of COVID-19, but that everywhere will have a concentration of people again, likely some who are carriers of the virus, and we may see a second spike and wave of infections. It may be wise to wait things out a bit once the lockdown orders are lifted, just to be safe.
Plenty of people are protesting shelter-in-place and ironically contracting the virus, but it’s a glimpse into what may come when we’re allowed to travel as we once were. Things are strange, and a little caution goes a long way. Contact us for more information about Denver travel agents, upcoming travel plans, and our recommendations for travel during these strange times.