LoDo Denver

How to Stay Safe During Reopening

By now, you’re probably tired of quarantine, social distancing, and most stores and restaurants being closed day in, day out. By sheltering in place, we’ve collectively reduced the spread of COVID-19 and have helped to flatten the curve.

As expected, people are itching to get outside, especially as the warmer weather begins to roll in and the sun stays out longer. But, just because we want things to go back to the way they were before the pandemic struck, doesn’t mean the threat of spreading the coronavirus has up and disappeared.

Rushing into reopening cities, states, and the US at large, could and likely will result in a massive spike of cases and is ill advised by most medical experts. Many states are implementing their own plans for gradually reopening to minimize the second wave of outbreaks and give people a chance to begin resuming daily life as we knew it before lockdown. The last thing any of us need is an uncertain extension of quarantine where we all need to stay indoors as restaurants and small businesses shutter their doors.

As of May 27, Colorado restaurants were allowed to open and seat customers to 50% of the restaurants full capacity and keeping tables at least six feet apart. Additionally, you will need to wear a mask while inside the building to stop the spread of saliva droplets in which the coronavirus travels. While this may seem like a burden, it is for the best of those who are immunocompromised as the virus can ravage their respiratory systems and cause them to go to the hospital where they may need a respirator to help them breathe.

As we’ve noted before, some people have been against the lockdown and don’t believe in the severity of the virus. Restaurants, as private businesses, can impose the rules to wear masks in the restaurants; in order to stay safe and keep others safe in the event that you are an asymptomatic carrier, kindly wear a mask, or face covering, and abide by the current reopening guidelines.

If you want to go out and enjoy the small reopening, be sure to carry hand sanitizer, continue to wash your hands in warm water for 20 seconds, avoid others with six feet of distance, and avoid touching your face while you’re out.

However, if you fear that you might contract COVID-19, it’s best to continue staying home and using delivery services for food and groceries to minimize contact with others who may, or may not, be carrying the virus (and not know it).

If you’re feeling trapped, remember that you can go for walks and hikes to get some exercise and fresh air. Heading to a state park will give you a chance to take in the sights with minimal to no people around you so that you don’t need to worry about social distancing. There are plenty of activities and places to go to remove yourself from the same old surroundings, and soon that list will include stores and restaurants to visit and enjoy like we once did. For any questions or concerns about reopening, feel free to contact us and we’ll be happy to fill you in.

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